1:1 Coaching Endorsements


Elizabeth, National School of Chiropractic, Chicago, IL

"Words can’t express my gratitude towards you and everything you have done for us these past 12 weeks. But mostly I love how much closer we have gotten just from chatting every week and I will cherish that for the rest of my life. You are my shining light and truly have brought so much extra energy and spark into my life through this program but also through being you— seriously you changed my life in a glorious way!!!”

Jack, Cleveland, OH

"I really can’t say enough about Gina and the valuable guidance I received from her.  Her enthusiasm and desire to have a positive impact on others through her work is contagious.  She challenged me to deeply reflect on who I want to be as a person and she helped me verbalize an empowered internal life vision statement. In a world today that spotlights the bad Gina’s methods will enhance your awareness of how to deflect the bad and illuminate the good.  We are what we think about on a consistent basis.  5⭐️ rating"

Stephanie, Cleveland, OH

"Working with Gina Nicola changed my life for the better!  I cannot say enough positive things about the experience.  Gina provided me with best practices to become disciplined, determined and encouraged to always do my best, at work and at home.  Most of all, though, she helped me reshape the vision that I had around myself, and pushed me to be brave and bold.  The results of her coaching were immediate.  Things have taken off in my career because of the direction that I received from Gina, and I know I’m on the right path.  I’d recommend Gina’s coaching to anyone looking for their purpose, mission, or direction in their life or career!"

Nathan Francis, Boulder, CO

"12 Weeks that Changed My Life - My world changes throughout the 12 weeks spent with Gina, here’s how. As soon as I logged on to that first zoom call and heard the song playing with Gina in the background dancing singing her heart out, I knew I made a good decision. That type of energy uplifted me, and I had a sense of eager anticipation throughout the week before our Sunday meetings. Throughout the 12 weeks, I slowly became more aware of smaller interactions throughout my day, and the impact that they had on my life. The most important part that I took away from the 12 weeks with Gina was the lesson of responding vs. reacting, I had never felt fully in control of my response to a situation until this. I always felt that I had a purpose in life, but the reassurance and help to discover what that purpose is more has really help me in the past few months. I know now where to focus more energy, and I remind myself that I am in control of my life and my actions. I would encourage others to experience this program because I think most of us focus on things that drain us, and let others control our lives. But being in control and knowing that I’m doing what I’m doing because I want too has been so refreshing and relieving."

Andreas, Cleveland, OH

"Thinking into results was a 12-step journey that gave me the blueprint to excel in any aspect of my life. It’s easy to forget that our mind is like a muscle and in order to master our thoughts, we need to train the way we think every day. That’s what thinking into results is all about and there is no better mentor to guide you through each step than Gina Nicola. She is unbelievably passionate in what she does and inspires you every day to reach beyond the limits you have put on yourself. Learning from Gina has proven to be invaluable and the lessons that she has helped instill in me have become staples in my life."

Rachel, University of Notre Dame, 2017

"I would take the executive coaching with Gina Nicola every few years for the rest of my life if I could. Luckily, this course provides incredibly practical, sustainable, and customizable tools that I can use at virtually any moment! I am a graduate student, and benefited immensely from Gina’s executive coaching. It has left me feeling inspired, empowered, and excited to take control of my goals and future NOW rather than waiting for life to “fall into place.” Gina makes the experience, and the effort required from the participant, feel that much more fun, worthwhile, and personal. She has a knack for demonstrating how any of the lessons and tools provided in the program can be applied to ANY situation -big and small - leaving me feeling more responsible for and excited about molding the career and personal life that I envision more than ever. While this program has something to offer to everybody in any phase of life, I would especially recommend this program for young adults such as myself. It provided me with nuggets of wisdom and clarity that I bet many people have to live a lifetime to learn. Most important are truths and tools that help me stay aligned with the most authentic version of myself, which I believe will make the impact that I have on this world and vice versa that much more meaningful and joyous."

Nicholas, Entrepreneurial Business Student, John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH

“The last 12 weeks have been an incredibly transformative experience. Gina is not just a personal instructor; she is a lifelong mentor and lives all of what she speaks. These teachings have helped me tremendously with breaking the cycle of old family thinking by rewriting my own paradigm. Refurbishing thinking to power future success and inner peace is one of the most important takeaways, as well as goal setting which acts as the main driver for self-growth. Setting goals that appear out of reach in current circumstances cause for one to stretch from the comfort zone. This feels disagreeable at first but acts as a true test of one's own will and forces you to use all of which you have learned. This type of goal setting has helped by think beyond my personal limits and encouraged my feelings of worthiness. For Gina and the content of which she teaches I am eternally grateful.”

C. Briggs – Cleveland

“Thinking into results has truly shed a new light on how I perceive my surroundings and my thoughts, illuminating the control I have over my life. It has made me more aware of my interactions with people and the results I am receiving in certain situations, causing every action/thought of mine to be more intentional. This program has amplified my life in so many ways and I am so grateful! - I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"

Seth Brayer, Student, Copley High School, Copley, OH

“While working with Gina over the past twelve weeks, I was met with a new perspective that has become life- altering. Gina taught me to look inwards to create the results I wanted to see. She showed me how I could use my mind to drive my results and showed me how to become an effective human being, in every imaginable aspect. I learned how to leave all the people in my life with the impression of increase, which has already strengthened my relationships tenfold. All the information was presented in the most digestible way, that created an empowering morning routine, which energized my day. In just twelve weeks, I had already accomplished three goals that before, would have been unrealistic in my mind. Gina’s guidance over the last three months has truly been life changing.”

Kathleen Nugent, Director of Marketing, Merkle NY

"If I had to sum up what Gina has given me throughout my time knowing her, it is this; Gina has taught me how to think deeper, work smarter, laugh harder, be myself and do what makes me happy. Gina helps everyone she knows be a better version of themselves and I can say that I am a better person for knowing Gina.”

1:1 Coaching Endorsement

"She has had the opportunity to watch me evolve as a person and as a professional. From friendship advice, to career advice; she is someone I trust to help me through important life challenges and decisions. She has guided me through countless interviews throughout my career and showed me how to stand out, be thoughtful and promote myself and be my own advocate. With Gina's mentorship, I was able to move to a new city, start a new career and advance very quickly in that career."

1:1 Coaching Endorsement

“I've known Gina for over 20 years. We met when she became friends with my mom, and she became a part of our family very quickly. Our relationship grew from mentorship to friendship and now I consider her not only part of my family, but a valued friend and mentor; someone who I know will always be there for me."

1:1 Coaching Endorsement

"Then along came Gina, and believe me when I say this, Gina does not come into one’s life quietly…she’s full of energy & enthusiasm so I guess you could say it was with a BANG! Gina helped me take control of my life, find my new direction and create daily habits to keep me on course.  She helped me see all the good inside myself and believe in all the good I still needed to achieve and could."

1:1 Coaching Endorsement

“Gina is passionate about helping others. She sees the good in people and helps them find it in themselves. Gina believed in me from day one. We connected at a time in my life when things were stagnant. I was content with the status quo but had this buried desire to do and be more both personally and professionally. I had no idea where to start so the lack of direction combined with my lack of self-confidence kept me exactly where I was."

Dr. Shannon Francis, Fairlawn, OH

“Gina took my children (ages 20,18 and 16 yrs old) and me on the adventure of the Thinking Into Results Program.  She taught the lessons with genuity, empowerment, accountability and humor. She is a highly effective coach because she lives the principles and teaches from her heart. The tools we learned are life-changing. We all grew individually and grew closer as a family.  Gina is at the top of our gratitude journal, every day.”